As I Meet Someone New

As I Meet Someone New
135 Pages
ISBN 978-1794484573

This great reflection of love and romance reveals how Heather, after going through a traumatic divorce and learning that her husband of many years preferred men, and stole her money and her car, has all sorts of doubts each time she meets someone new. They date, and then break up the relationship. That is, until she learns to rely on her intuition and know when she should have real fear, and that fears are really her imagination.

Valerie Hockert

About Valerie Hockert (Twin Cities, Minnesota Author)

Valerie Hockert

Valerie Hockert grew up in the Midwest, where she has spent most of her life. She has a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies and a PhD in Literary Studies, and has put her degree(s) to good use through teaching at various college campuses, and online colleges. After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in English, Valerie went into publishing, and was the publisher of several national publications.

Valerie also was in real estate, owned a tanning salon and boutique, is a certified personal trainer, as well as a professional writer for RTF Communication, has written 25 fiction novels (some under other pen names), 3 collections of short stories, 4 novellas, 9 books on teaching various subjects, and 16 other books. Valerie also likes to do various crafts, and is a great chef, having published some of her own cookbooks.