Blizzard Terror – Book Five in the DeBois Series

Blizzard Terror
456 Pages
ISBN 9781508427797

The blizzard has buried the forest in a thick blanket of snow hampering Jean and James in their attempt to rescue Su before the storm claims her and Su's unborn children.

They are not the only one tracking her. A maimed mountain lion has caught Su’s scent and now it's a race to see who finds Su first.

Jean also has to contend with a terrorist tracking him to rack revenge for Jean destroying the terrorist cell. Who will win, Jean, the terrorist, the mountain lion or the blizzard?

Sue Raymon/Lady Laindora

About Sue Raymon/Lady Laindora (Des Moines, Iowa Author)

Sue Raymon/Lady Laindora

There are many doors in one’s life that the person has the opportunity to either explore what lies behind that door or leave it closed and open another door to another adventure. I thank the Lord that He has locked many doors in my life that could have destroyed me. I can look back and see His hand protecting me and my family from my choices and the devastation it caused when He allowed me to have my own way because of stubbornness.

The newest door He has opened for me is one of being a published author. For those who think this is super easy, allow me to tell you the easy part is the rough draft. After you write the novel, then comes the nose to the grindstone of all the different parts of getting it from a rough draft to a published novel. There are rewrites, editing, proofreading, more editing, beta readers, proofreaders, more editing, cover design, bios, cover info, indie or traditional publishing, ISBN registration. Then once published, you have to market your novel with press releases, book signings, making ads that help market to the correct audience.

You also try to get reviews for the novels so your novel rises in the ranking so more people have a chance to read your work. You need a thick skin for those who do not appreciate your work and seek to tear it down with bad reviews. Authors do appreciate constructive feedback. This helps us fine tune our craft for the enjoyment of the reading audience. Being an author is not for the weak-hearted. But it is also very wonderful to be able to create worlds that the reading audience can share and enjoy. You can follow author Sue Raymond at