Destiny Delivered

Destiny Delivered
241 Pages
ISBN 978-1-63491-004-0

Stevo Markovich, after the death of his wife in Gary, Indiana, has recurring dreams of his dead father. The dreams make him want to return to New Orleans, where he and his father had been fisherman when they came from Jugoslavia's Dalamatian area. Here he discovers unknown secrets about his family, all gone now, but his home remains.

Arriving at the entry to his New Orleans courtyards, Stevo noticed a lit candle in the round bowl on the neighbor's patio table. Glancing in that direction, he saw a woman at the the table. He politely tipped his hat in her direction and proceeded to his doorway.

"Is that you, Mr. Steve?" the woman called. " If you are Mr. Steve, please join me."

Meeting miss Kara changed Stevo Markovich's life as he never could have imagined.

Rosemary Gard

About Rosemary Gard (South Bend, Indiana Author)

Rosemary Gard

The author spent three months in a village in Jugoslavia in 1956, where she lived the life of a peasant with her cousins. She slept on a straw mattress, cooked on a clay stove, washed clothes in the river. Her historical books are all based on facts of Croatian Immigrants.

Rosemary, born in the US, had Croatian as her first language. She has lived in Italy and traveled to Bogota, Columbia. She and her husband have been antique dealers and appraisers for fifty years.

The series of 7 Destiny books are all based on facts, which have been fictionalized. Rosemary takes great pains in adding historical events which have taken place during the time frame of her books. First books starts in 1892, Zagreb and the 7th is in New Orleans, 1915.