From My Heart, To God’s Ears – Daily Uplifting and Encouraging Poetic Prayers

From My Heart, To God’s Ears
68 Pages
ISBN 978-1547113330

Prayer has always been a part of Jamie’s life. As a child, Jamie’s late Grandmother; (Dartherl Hamilton) or Granny as Jamie refers to her, taught Jamie to be consistent in her communication with God, The Father, Creator of All. “Listen here Jamie, hear me good now; since God created us and everything else, who would know better on what to do about any and every situation? Huh?” Good ole Granny, always right on time with the Spiritual encouragement.

Jamie, being very observant, noticed something; what Jamie noticed was; that no matter what arisen in Granny’s life, Granny seemed to never be shaken or moved by the situation or circumstance, and when Jamie asked her Granny why that was; Granny’s reply was “Cuz I talked it over with “The Master, and He let me know it’s gone be alright!” Then she’d just giggle. Talking it over with “The Master” was the way Jamie’s Granny referred to being in prayer. So, the more Jamie prayed the more Jamie desired to pray and Jamie soon came to discover that prayer is not just about asking God to fix all the problems in your life, instead, it's more about communication. It's about cultivating, improving, and developing a close or closer relationship with He who created her. And ummm…. Oh, what a beautiful epiphany.

Eventually, Jamie notices during some of her talks with “The Master”, that she would often speak to God poetically. So, Jamie decided to write down and keep those poetic conversations and Jamie has now chosen to take those personal, one on one poetic prayers and share them with you.

Jamie Gray

About Jamie Gray (Phoenix, Arizona Author)

Jamie Gray

Jamie is a native of Arizona. Born and raised. Jamie has been writing poetry since the tender age of 9 year’s old. Inspired by the absence of her mother, Anna Jean Evans, who passed away when Jamie was only 1 year old. What began as I miss you mom letters, soon transformed into poems.

Jamie uses her unique and diverse poetry styles to passionately express what the world needs, what the world is seeking. Faith, hope and “The Creator’s” Love for mankind. Every reader or listener will be uplifted, encouraged and enlightened because Jamie is so creative with the “Spoken Word” her poetry transcends nations, race, gender and even age because faith, hope, love, and truth break through barriers for it knows no limits. And neither does she.

Jamie understands that people need to know that there’s a purpose for all the pain and suffering. That there is something bigger than our insecurities, our failures. That’s what Jamie’s poetry offers the world. Jamie uses scripture from the Bible and simplifies it for every reader and/or listen to comprehend and makes it relative to this modern day society.

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