George Pringate's Last Hurrah

George Pringate's Last Hurrah
172 Pages
ISBN 9780578472652

Hell is tears, pain, and depression, baked into a cake made of misery and despair.

Heaven is meet-cutes and puppies, life-affirming moments, and hanging out with Elvis!

George Pringate is dead, and he really wants to go to Heaven! But first, he must survive Hell’s assassin, confront his demons with the help of his afterlife counselors, and most critically, be honest with himself.

Stewart Hoffman

About Stewart Hoffman (Orange County, California Author)

Stewart Hoffman

Stewart Hoffman was born in Doncaster, England, and spent the first ten years of his life growing up in the nearby village of Rossington. After that there were several hops around the globe before he settled again in sunny Southern California. Stewart is a web developer, a world traveler, and a story teller. A reader (science fiction mostly) and a film fanatic armed with his own blog. A Whovian and a Trekkie, and a fan of the unaltered original trilogy. He also knows the answer to the ultimate question!