Horses, Adrenaline, and Love

Horses, Adrenaline, and Love
304 Pages
ISBN 9781481983594

Who would have thought that the winning move would be surrender?

When Sarah Palmer finds herself back in her little hometown of Loraine, Nebraska, with the young son that had been part of the town’s biggest scandal in its 125-year history, and a basement full of sculptures she couldn’t sell in Chicago, her only thought is how she can get out again fast.

That is, until a certain dark-haired, equine veterinarian sweeps her off her feet.

Marty Scott can’t keep his mind off the short, little spit-fire with the tough exterior and a heart as soft as a kitten. Once he figures out the way past her defenses, he thinks it’s just a hop and a skip to the altar.

That is, until a new scandal is born out of tragedy.

Sarah is a runner who tends to run from her problems. Marty is problem-solver who prides himself on his solutions, but sometimes the problem is so big, even the best problem-solver gets stymied.

Sometimes the answer needs to come from a higher power.

Jodi Bowersox

About Jodi Bowersox (Colorado Springs, Colorado Author)

Jodi Bowersox

Jodi Bowersox has worn many hats in her life--actress, seamstress, designer, business owner, homeschool teacher, kid's choir director, and artist--but she spends most of her time these days on her latest passion, romance novels.

Not liking the idea of being put in a box, however, she writes in many sub-genres in the romance market including faith fiction, suspense, and time travel. She also has a few children's picture books to her credit under the name J.B. Stockings and a short Bible commentary.

Jodi lives in the heart of Colorado Springs with her husband and too many cats where they never get tired of looking at the mountain views.

Find out about all her books, art, sewing, etc. at as well as links to her pages on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Etsy, BookBub, and Twitter.