Jam Today Too – The Revolution Will Not Be Catered

Jam Today Too
288 Pages
ISBN 978-1-935259-25-1

We are what we eat. But even more, we are how we eat: how we discover our own desires and those of our loved ones, how we source the foods that fulfill those desires, how we prepare them, how we serve them. All of these seemingly small, daily decisions are the basis of everything we do, showing us who we truly are, what we need to change, what we need to aim for in the future. Food is the story we tell our bodies every day, and how our bodies and souls react to that story is the story of where we are going to go next. Food is important, thinking about it as well as consuming it—important and importantly fun, both at the same time. That’s what the Jam Today series is all about—being creative in the kitchen as a step to bringing more creativity to the world around us.

“Jam Today Too is about cooking in real life, including cooking around destructive floods (two of them), having friends drop by, working with what’s there when you’re miles from town or the weather turns on you, cooking for a person whose taste is quite different from your own, and all the other ins and outs of eating and cooking while living. It’s a book to be savored, not read all at once, though you’ll be sorely tempted.”—DEBORAH MADISON, author of The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone

“Original and lyrical . . . Davies’ relaxed and personable voice is as comforting sounding as the Tuscan Potato Soup or Cassoulet recipes she includes. . . . By sharing the specific and intimate portraits and interpretations of her daily meals, their preparation, and the people and life circumstances surrounding them, Davies allows the juxtapositions to themselves reveal some of the bigger messages of a life well-lived and shared.” —Oregonian

Tod Davies

About Tod Davies (Ashland, Oregon Author)

Tod Davies

Tod Davies, editorial director of indie Exterminating Angel Press, is the author of The HIstory of Arcadia fairy tales for adults series, Snotty Saves the Day, Lily the Silent, The Lizard Princess, and the upcoming Report to Megalopolis (August 2018), as well as the Jam Today cooking memoir series, Jam Today: A Diary of Cooking With What You've Got and Jam Today Too: The Revolution Will Not Be Catered. Unsurprisingly, her attitude toward publishing, fantasy, cooking, and literature is the same: it's all about discovering and preserving human values. Davies lives with her husband, the filmmaker Alex Cox, and their two dogs, in the alpine valley of Colestin, outside of Ashland, Oregon.