LIFE LINES – A Selection of Poetry Written by Helen Corrigan Iekel

43 Pages
ISBN 9781482046380

One is drawn into the heart of Helen Corrigan Iekel (1905-1988) while reading her poetry. This delightful collection of heartwarming verses reveals a lifetime driven by the poet’s love for God, her family and the world that surrounded her. The author intertwines these poetic efforts with a uniquely descriptive narration that invites the reader into the poet’s life experience.

Rick Iekel

About Rick Iekel (Rochester, New York Author)

Rick Iekel

Rick Iekel is a husband, father of four, grandfather of ten, retired and writing. During a 35-year career in aviation, writing was a pastime for quiet Sunday afternoons and peaceful summer vacations in the Adirondack Mountains. As a storyteller, he maintains a lifelong fascination for real stories about real people in real places. “With real-life stories so entertaining,” he muses, “why would I try to create believable fiction?”

Raised on a farm in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains, he now resides with his wife in Rochester, New York. House with a Heart, the story of the first family that built and lived in his childhood home, is Rick’s third book. Previously published are:

LIFE LINES, A Selection of Poetry Written by Helen Corrigan Iekel
The Candles of My Life, a biographical sketch of Helen Corrigan Iekel