Living off the Land at Granny's – A Myra Book

Living off the Land at Granny's
36 Pages
ISBN ISBN 978-1945667077

A quaint story of life in the good old days. Myra spends a week on Granny's farm where she learns to gather food such as garden produce, fresh eggs, fruit from the trees, and milk from the cow. Granny's delicious recipes are included as well as beautiful illustrations of farm life.

Connie Condron Dow

About Connie Condron Dow (St. Joseph, Missouri Author)

Connie Condron Dow

Connie Condron Dow grew up on the Condron family homestead, the oldest of five children. Throughout her life she heard bits of stories about that long-ago War Between the States when her Grandmother's family members fought for the north and her Grandfather's family members fought for the south.

The Condron homestead has been in the family for generations, starting with the first Peter Condron who came to America from Ireland.

This book is fiction, but based on some of the old family tales and how the author imagined the women on the farm lived and survived.