On Zion's Hill: A Novel

On Zion's Hill: A Novel
327 Pages
ISBN 978-1507860458

Angie and Ken who have just completed their first year of college, are committed to earning their degrees without the distraction of dating, but when they meet on Zion’s Hill, at their church camp meeting that August of 1963, they experience a strong attraction. During that week of camp, each is torn. They reflect on funny and frank, fanciful and faith experiences that helped shape them into the goal oriented woman and man they are today. Should they listen to their hearts? Must they avoid one another to reach the goal of finishing college? Can they trust that it is God leading them to one another now? By the end of the week, each must make a decision. What will it be?

Anna J. Small Roseboro

About Anna J. Small Roseboro (Grand Rapids, Michigan Author)

Anna J. Small Roseboro

Anna J. Small Roseboro, a HASU member, is a published author and poet but is primarily an educator with over forty years’ experience teaching English and Speech to students in middle school, high school and college in public, private, and parochial schools in five states. A sought-after convention speaker, Ms. Roseboro earned a B.A. in Speech Communications from Wayne State University and an M.A. in Curriculum Design from the University of California, San Diego. Her fifth book, SWEETHEARTS OF ZION’S HILL: A Collection of Stories for which she is serving as writer and lead editor, was released August, 2016.