Permanent Home – A Memoir

Permanent Home
141 Pages
ISBN 978-1-941066-32-4

In her charming collection, Mary Ellen offers glimpses of adopted life in an Air Force family. We travel from her South Carolina birthplace, through several states, and three years in Tokyo.

A taste of permanence is found in their New Jersey home, but her quest to find a home of the heart is traced in her gardening career and search for birth family.

Devastating losses and fruitful gains are mirrored in her ten-year-long recovery from a brain hemorrhage. Enjoy Mary Ellen’s colorful memories and poetic language throughout these moving stories.

Mary Ellen Gambutti

About Mary Ellen Gambutti (Sarasota, Florida Author)

Mary Ellen Gambutti

Mary Ellen is a writer and former professional gardener transplanted from Pennsylvania to Southwest Florida. Her stories appear in The Remembered Arts Journal, Modern Creative Life, Halcyon Days, Memoir Magazine, HaibunToday, Borrowed Solace, mac(ro)mic, Drabble, Fewer Than 500, BookEnds Review, Bella mused, Portland Metrozine, and many others.

For years she worked as a flower farmer, perennial garden designer, and landscape gardener. She retired from gardening with stroke disability but keeps her interest in Orchids and Succulents in pots with her husband, Phil.

The couple has rescued worthy senior dogs over the years, notably, Max, their wonderful Chihuahua.

Her books, "Stroke Story, My Journey There and Back," and "Permanent Home: A Memoir," are available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback.

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