
282 Pages
ISBN 0998593230

The town of Whittier is isolated in Alaska, and the people all live within towers once used by the military. The tourist season is over, and winter is on the way. Then, a body washes up on shore. A body that says it's from the government facility across the sound at Esther Island. With a storm coming, the citizens of Whittier have to deal with this on their own. They put the body in the basement of the towers, but their doctor wants to find out what killed this man.

Was it a disease? How dangerous is it?

Then, the horror begins.

Bryan Alaspa

About Bryan Alaspa (Chicago, Illinois Author)

Bryan Alaspa

Bryan Alaspa is the author of more than 30 books and novels. He has been writing in one form or another since he sat down at his mother's electric typewriter in the third grade and wrote his first story. He lives in Chicago with his wife and three rescue dogs.

He writes thrillers, suspense, detective, mystery, young adult, and horror novels when it comes to his fiction. He writes history and true crime in non-fictin