The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift
146 Pages


Widowed at a young age Julia left everything she has ever known to accompany her brother, Mark, to Wisconsin. Will new surroundings prove to be the answer to healing her heartache? Will her tenuous relationship with her mother be strained beyond repair? Or will their bond grow stronger because of the miles between them?

Darlene Shortridge

About Darlene Shortridge (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Author)

Darlene Shortridge

My story. Hmm, that could be another book, and it will be someday. For the moment we’ll concentrate on Who I am—what makes me tick—and what I do.

Who am I? Good question. I’m not sure I even know the answer to that, at least not all the time. I can think of all the things I do. I’m a wife. I’m a mom. I’m a Nana. I’m a cook. I’m a writer. I’m a speaker. I’m a business owner. I’m a publisher. I do all sorts of things. The list could go on for pages.

As for who I am, first and foremost I’m a child of God, a servant doing His bidding—seeking His approval. My heart is for the broken, for the downtrodden. I’m a perfectionist who can easily forgive if the heart is involved. I’m a deep thinker. I get lost in creation. My family is my heart beat. Words fill holes and renew hope. Connection keeps me compassionate. Silence renews me.

The stories floating around my head are related to everything I am. They are not my stories, but they are mine to tell. I relate in big and small ways. I pray in some way these stories touch you and change you into who you are called to be.