The Same Tapes

The Same Tapes
765 Pages
Self Published

The Same Tapes contains the taped disclosures of Joseph Same; a man who used a false moniker to re-experience events in backward time. And it recounts those events, but it also relates Mr. Same's reactions to them. But it's not a science fiction novel. It's a grouping of reminiscences, observations, and beliefs concerning how mankind can make life upon planet Earth better. And it's a very powerful book. And as one of its characters said "This is probably the best and worst book I've ever read." And you've never read anything like this before.

Rf Husnik

About Rf Husnik (Green Bay, Wisconsin Author)

Rf Husnik

I have published three books and am currently working on the fourth.

My works include The Same Tapes, The Clarity Zones and The Students of the Highway.