Two Loves Lost

Two Loves Lost
320 Pages
ISBN 1-4825-1120-7

Live with Delbert Pillage through the torment of a bullied youth, joy of teenage romance, satisfaction of adult successes and determination to persevere in the face of two great loves lost. Evoking a wide range of emotions, even heart-wrenching at times, Delbert and Sylvia will have you pulling for them to the very end.

And along the way, see life on a small Canadian island in the 1950’s and gain a semi-historical view of the Avro Arrow program, whose cancellation decimated a strong Canadian aviation industry.

Sandy Graham

About Sandy Graham (Seattle, Washington Author)

Sandy Graham

For most of my life I dabbled in creative writing which I shamelessly inflicted on friends and relatives. The pleasures of growing up and pressures of then earning a living dissuaded me from taking the craving seriously. Born in 1938 and raised in B.C., I obtained an engineering degree at UBC two years after the decimation of Canada's aviation industry. That led me to immigrate to the United States and work 35 years in engineering and management positions.

Retirement with a reasonable pension opened my door to creative writing and I leaped through. You may wonder what engineering and creative writing could possibly have in common. Sure, engineering attracts analytical types, called nerds in extreme cases. But at the other end of the spectrum lie very creative individuals often inspired to move technology forward. I lean in the direction of those creativity freaks.

My novels all vary in content even though one is a sequel of my first. Romance and enduring love pop up in each. Yet, they are laden with hardships for protagonists to face. Feedback of people reading through the night, cancelling hair appointments, etc. testifies to their captivating quality.