What Flies Away

What Flies Away
77 Pages
ISBN 978-1-59948-034-4

What Flies Away tells the story in poetry of the author’s mother’s descent into Alzheimer’s, her father’s sudden death and the miracle of her daughter’s birth. Ann Campanella received the Poet Laureate Award twice for two poems "The Chase" and "How to Grieve," both of which are included in the collection.

Ann Campanella

About Ann Campanella (Charlotte, North Carolina Author)

Ann Campanella

Ann Campanella is the author of the memoir, Motherhood: Lost and Found. She is formerly a magazine and newspaper journalist and editor. Her writing has appeared in local and national publications from literary journals, newspapers and magazines to the bestselling A Cup of Comfort series.

Ann’s poetry has been featured on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac and twice she has received the Poet Laureate Award from the North Carolina Poetry Society. She has a degree in English Literature from Davidson College and lives on a small horse farm in with her family and animals.

Motherhood: Lost and Found is a finalist for the Next Generation Independent Book Awards, and was recently named a finalist for the Italian Equestrian Book Award, “Voices for Horses.” Ann’s memoir is also a bestseller on Amazon for Eldercare.