Winning The Productivity Game – 201 Time-Saving Solutions to Work Smarter, Faster and Easier

Getting and staying organized can feel like a game that is rigged against us. There is so much coming at us every day and keeping up can seem impossible. There is a solution.

For over 25 years, Greg Vetter has helped CEO’s, staffers, sales people, managers, and front-line employees learn how to deal with and master the wave of information and requests that overwhelm all of us from time to time.

Winning The Productivity Game is a compilation of the best tips and tricks from The Vetter Way® system. These small changes and executable suggestions are easy to try. With small changes come big results.

You CAN win the productivity game!

Greg Vetter

About Greg Vetter (Atlanta, Georgia Author)

Greg Vetter

Greg Vetter started Vetter Productivity in Atlanta in 1989. Its purpose, to create a radically different organizational system that would enable workers to excel in the upcoming Information Age.

He has done something few people ever will—personally organized and coached over 150 executives and employees of The Coca-Cola Company®.

He speaks to and trains professionals across the country using his A Vetter Way® system, an organizational system that keeps you focused on your most important task, allows you to find anything in seconds in your information storage system, and most importantly, work from an important, rather than a time based system of working.