13 Deadly Endings

13 Deadly Endings
148 Pages
ISBN 978-1620067949

Not all stories have a "happy ending." Sometimes the forces of evil are just too strong to allow the characters, whether protagonist or antagonist, to survive unscathed. Sometimes it is because of revenge or sinister forces or simply bad Karma.

Welcome to "Thirteen Deadly Endings," a collection of short horror stories by Thomas M Malafarina. In this disturbing world of terror and foreboding, virtually every story has the potential to end badly for someone. There will be no "happily ever afters" in this collection! This is definitely not a "feel good" compilation.

Thirteen Deadly Endings guarantees that someone, whether deserving or not, will get it in the end. Thomas has put together an incredibly upsetting anthology of some of his most gory, horrifying, disturbing and bizarre tales for your reading

Thomas M Malafarina

About Thomas M Malafarina (Reading, Pennsylvania Author)

Thomas M Malafarina

Thomas M. Malafarina (www.ThomasMMalafarina.com) is an author of horror fiction from Berks County, Pennsylvania. To date he has published six horror novels “What Waits Beneath”, "Burner", “Eye Contact” , “Fallen Stones”, “Dead Kill Book 1: The Ridge of Death” and “Dead Kill Book 2: The Ridge Of Change”.

He has also published four collections of horror short stories; “Thirteen Deadly Endings”, “Ghost Shadows”, “Undead Living” and most recently “Malaformed Realities Vol. 1”. He has also published a book of often-strange single panel cartoons called "Yes I Smelled It Too; Cartoons For The Slightly Off Center". All of his books are published through Sunbury Press.(www.Sunburypress.com).

In addition, many of the more than one hundred short stories Thomas has written have appeared in dozens of short story anthologies and e-magazines. Some have been produced and presented for internet podcasts as well. Thomas is also an artist, musician, singer and songwriter.