ABCs by Jesus and Me

ABCs by Jesus and Me
56 Pages
ISBN 978-1-9399305-76

In this spiritual journey through the alphabet, children are invited to join and celebrate the wisdom and teachings of God. ABCs by Jesus and Me guides young readers through each letter, imparting Christ's love and lessons along the way.

Author Elizabeth Grapes weaves powerful meaning into simple, easy to understand definitions for kids and parents to explore, while Elizabeth Scolaro's vibrant illustrations accompany every letter and deepen the experience from the first page to the last.

An invaluable way for families to spend time together in the Word, ABCs by Jesus and Me seeks to educate young readers that Christ is in everything, from from A to Z.

Elizabeth Grapes

About Elizabeth Grapes (Richmond, Virginia Author)

Elizabeth Grapes

Elizabeth Grapes is a mother, wife, author and survivor of two terminal diseases. She attributes all of her life's success and trials to the beautiful will of God. Despite counseling from numerous doctors that she could not survive a pregnancy, she gave birth to five amazing children.

Through teaching her own children about Jesus, Elizabeth developed a passion for the faith formation of children. ABC's by Jesus and Me is her first book, which she wrote as a tool to help parents teach their little ones to look to God in all things.