Can't take back yesterday

Can't take back yesterday
259 Pages
ISBN 9781483551845

In the first of the two book series, we learn who the killer is, and who they have killed. We do not know the "why". This first book introduces us to the family called: "Fielding".

Lucas Fielding is the protagonist. In this book, he overhears an argument between his parents. What he learns, and his reactions to this, sets up a series of violent events.

The book is set in Erie, Pennsylvania and there are many references to various settings there.

KB Manz

About KB Manz (Erie, Pennsylvania Author)

KB Manz

I am a mother of an adult child with Autism and have lived in Erie all my life. I first became interested in writing when I saw an ad in the local paper asking people to join in a group writing project. I signed up and had the best time ever!

I became more serious in my writing however, when I stumbled across NANOWRIMO online. This is an online group where the participants agree to write a book containing no less than 50,000 words in 30 days during the month of November. I joined in and on the day before the project was to begin, I got a little worried because I had no idea what genre I was going to write, nor did I have any idea of the storyline! So, I took myself off to my local health club, put my ear buds in, cranked up my music and started walking around the track. After one mile, my protagonist, Lucas, began to "speak" to me. I headed back home and jotted down some notes. The very next day, I began and completed more than 50,000 words in only 22 days!

I am now a published author of two murder mysteries, set in Erie with a little side trip to Montana and am well on my way to finishing all the details for book number three. I so enjoy writing, especially as it gives me an outlet from the day to day life of caring for my son. When you have a child with Autism, your entire life revolves around their needs and activities and our son is a very active young man!