Contemplations – Cosmos and Consciousness

261 Pages
ISBN 978-1979733304

The author contemplates a magnificent universe observed in the dark of night and the human society he engages in the light of day. How did these realities emerge from the state of absolute nothingness that logic demands must have preceded them? A conjecture is presented to explore an essential ‘null-balanced’ aspect of the structure of the material universe as dictated by the scientific laws of conservation.

He proposes a Language of Mathematics as the means by which the ‘something from nothing’ enigma is solved. Rather than accepting the proposed Big Bang theory, scientists are urged to view the emergence of the material universe in a manner fully compliant with the first law of thermodynamics.

Don Reightley

About Don Reightley (Corrales, New Mexico Author)

Don Reightley

Don Reightley has long been fascinated by a cosmos that gave rise to the Universe humans gaze at in moments of wonderment. He is also absorbed by the more down-to-earth causes that make humans behave in the often curious ways they do. After years of observation he found a way to combine interests by exploring the relationship that exists between human nature and nature itself.

The inanimate Universe behaves strictly according to natural laws set down in the Language of Mathematics. Humans must follow this cosmic mandate but, because of our conscious brain, they seem to possess an alien freedom of will. He cannot help wondering: What does this say about us and about the nature of consciousness?