Dining, Not Just Eating – The Cookbook for Single Dads and their Kids

Dining, Not Just Eating
142 Pages
ISBN 1530756138

A cookbook for the single dad, or anyone new to cooking who wants to dine, not just eat. The focus is on the companionship at dinner. It teaches some kitchen basics and shows you shortcuts to make sure you don't spend hours making a meal after a long day. Available in paperback or Kindle E-book.

Robert Weisskopf

About Robert Weisskopf (Chicago, Illinois Author)

Robert Weisskopf

Robert Weisskopf, or rather Bob as his friends call him, grew up in Chicago where he still lives. His father was a Chicago Police Lieutenant but his father had first apprenticed as a pastry chef under Bob’s Grandfather.

Bob entered the Chicago Police Academy on Valentine's Day, 1983. He took to this career with a passion he never knew before. Over the course of the next thirty years he would rise from Police Officer to Lieutenant.

He has three sons, Bobby, Jimmy, and Patrick. To this day his sons are the brightest part of his life. Now with a home filled with sons and dogs Bob perfects his cooking and spends his time writing, cooking and riding his Gold Wing motorcycle. This year he turned 60, so this is just the beginning of his story.