Divine Blossoms : Call Of The Inner Voice – A Collection of Inspired Poetry

Divine Blossoms : Call Of The Inner Voice
136 Pages
ISBN 979-8665535500

This collection of inspired poetry is a call to explore life’s simple yet profound truths. It is an invitation to a journey of a deeper understanding of life. It is a call – from one soul to another, from the poet to the reader. It is a call from the great spirit that dwells in all of us. It is not just the baring of a soul, but a deeper understanding that we are all connected. Excerpt from a review in Indiacurrents.com. "Anuradha invites the reader into her world with an authentic and heartfelt outpouring of the essence of all that she cherishes. The Indian mythological stories have a living oral tradition such that retelling these timeless stories allows for making them relevant in contemporary times. Anuradha’s rendering does that. If you are not familiar with Hindu mythology, she helpfully provides a short introduction before the poem, to make the story be set in the context, and for them to be rendered in a poetic form. The poems are crystalized into the essence of the story, almost like a bhajan, an Indian devotional poetic form". Review by Dr. Jyoti Bachani is on a mission to humanize management using the arts, specifically poetry and improv, as a founding member of the Poetry of Diaspora of Silicon Valley, a co-founder of the US chapter of the International Humanistic Management Association, and an associate professor of business at Saint Mary’s College of California. https://indiacurrents.com/divine-blossoms-reliving-oral-traditions/

Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez

About Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez (Fresno, California Author)

Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez

Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez is a former journalist who worked for National English newspapers in India. She holds a Masters in Journalism & Mass Communication. A deeply spiritual person, her philosophical thinking is reflected in her writing that brings profound truths in a simple, easy to understand rendering. A poet and author, she already has five books to her credit. Her books are available on amazon, Barnes & Noble, Abe Books, and Walmart websites, to name a few.