Fair Haven

Fair Haven
312 Pages
ISBN 0998853100

A rabies-like super virus bleeds into Melody’s neighborhood, turning all those infected into ravenous aggressors. While watching society crumble beyond her threshold, Melody hides in the safety of her attic, waiting for her husband to return. Four days have passed, and it’s becoming apparent that he’s not coming home. She pushes her fear aside and propels herself out the front door, with a baseball bat in hand, ready to venture across town on a mission to save her husband—and their failing marriage. However, after teaming up with her neighbor John, her determination is put to the test. Despite butting heads with the man next door, she develops an unsettling attraction to him, and they grow to rely on each other for strength and friendship. Unsure if her husband is still alive, her reasons for going on are called into question and it doesn't take long before she begins to doubt her strength. Fair Haven is a viral-outbreak horror story laced with personal struggle, romance, and a tasteful smattering of shoot’em-in-the-head action.

Red Lagoe

About Red Lagoe (Virginia Beach, Virginia Author)

Red Lagoe

Red Lagoe entered the world of writing when her head became so full of stories, it nearly drove her mad. Most days, she can be found writing a story on her laptop, and avoiding all other adult responsibilities in the name of creativity.

Fairly new to writing, she has explored many genres, but is falling hard for horror, suspense, and sci-fi. When she's not writing, she might be chilling with her family or hanging out under a sea of stars with fellow amateur astronomers.

Her horror novel Fair Haven was published in 2017, and her short stories have been published with Flash Fiction Magazine and Toasted Cheese Literary Journal - placing in the 2016 Dead of Winter Horror Fiction Contest.