Find Your Weigh – Change Your Thinking & Change Your Weight For Good

Find Your Weigh
235 Pages
Source Publishing
ISBN 978-9715034043

After two decades of yo-yo dieting, I was fed up with the constant cycle of weight loss and weight gain. I knew the "right" things to do, but I couldn't seem to find a balance that I could consistently maintain for a lifetime.

I decided to explore my thoughts, expectations, self-talk and assumptions about food. Through this process, I uncovered what I truly believed about food. Finally, I was empowered to establish habits that I could follow for a lifetime.

Instead of looking for another diet or another workout plan, it’s time to alter your relationship with food for good. The only way to do this is to establish mindful eating habits that you can carry on for the rest of your life. I did it and, for the first time in my life, I’ve taken weight off its pedestal in my head and replaced it with living!

If you have ever felt hopeless about your weight or struggled with the up and down rollercoaster of yo-yo dieting, this book will offer you a new perspective and proactive steps to changing your relationship with food.

Shellie Bowdoin

About Shellie Bowdoin (Tampa Bay, Florida Author)

Shellie Bowdoin