Mr. Longneck's Escapde

Mr. Longneck's Escapde
32 Pages
ISBN ISBN-10: 1718970838 ISBN-13: 978-1718970830

The awkwardness of a giraffe in a suburban neighborhood leads him from one hilarious adventure to another! Very funny for kids and the adults reading to them.

K.C. Gardner

About K.C. Gardner (Inland Empire, California Author)

K.C. Gardner

I live in Southern California with my dog, Sugar Puppy. I have three young nephews that I adore, and a variety of interests including, but not limited to: writing, drawing, photography, painting, running, roller skating and gymnastics.

I have spent the majority of my adult life as a preschool teacher. I love children and animals. You can be sure I'll be writing more books featuring both!

Follow me on FaceBook at K.C.Gardner@KCkidatheart, my website/Blog:, my Amazon page: and/or Twitter:

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