Nick of Time

Nick of Time
262 Pages
ISBN 1548434140

Nick Callaghan's life has become an exhausting series of strange coincidences. Wherever he goes, Nick finds himself in a position to help others when they need it most. From foiling an armed stalker to grabbing a child in a broken roller-coaster car, Nick's life is constant chaos. He has no idea what sort of force could have turned him into the world's guardian angel, but he wants it to stop. There's only one person who knows what Irish legend he's fallen afoul of, but Grandmother isn't talking.

Julianne Q Johnson

About Julianne Q Johnson (Indianapolis, Indiana Author)

Julianne Q Johnson

Julianne Q Johnson writes in a little Indiana house when her two cats, two ferrets, and one fiance will let her.

Her favorite stories to write are modern-day, realistic worlds with a supernatural or paranormal element. She enjoys taking otherwise ordinary characters and giving them a paranormal gift or putting them in fantastical situations to see how they will handle it. Though not comedy, there is a touch of humor in all of her books.

Julianne is a fan of cheap coffee and expensive chocolate.

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