Nonprofit Management Simplified – Internal Operations

Nonprofit Management Simplified
157 Pages
ISBN 978-1-938077-80-7

Today's nonprofit leader walks a fine line between fulfilling the nonprofit's mission and managing day-to-day tasks such as financial management. The goal is to make the organization both effective and efficient. But how? This book is the answer for the person who wants to start a nonprofit, has taken over a nonprofit and wonders where to start to "clean things up," or wants to make sure the nonprofit is running at peak efficiency while serving its noble purpose. One of three books in the Nonprofit Management Simplified series, the book provides the basics steps for starting a nonprofit, or bring one into compliance, and making sure your nonprofit has the proper legal and financial management structures. The book is full of practical templates and sample policies and procedures.

Marilyn L. Donnellan

About Marilyn L. Donnellan (Orlando, Florida Author)

Marilyn L. Donnellan

Marilyn L. Donnellan defines the modern Renaissance woman. An artist, writer, wife and mother, she also has a successful career as a nonprofit Chief Executive Officer, consultant, motivational speaker and trainer. She is the author of the science fiction series: The Book Liberators, scheduled for release in 2018, and more than 60 books, guides, webinars and training modules on nonprofit management. Her fiction murder mystery, Give ‘til it Hurts, is based on her first-hand knowledge of domestic violence.

Other books include, Two Faces of Me, the story of her odyssey with Sophie Longhoofer, a character she often personifies in her motivational speaking. She has written a collection of stories, The Way it Was, telling her family’s history back to the 1200’s. Donnellan has a BA degree in Human Resources Management and an MS degree in Administration