North – An Adventure

240 Pages
ISBN 9781370012466

Jayne is on the run. With a bag full of stolen money, a new friend she met while stealing his car, and an old adversary out to get her, Jayne heads north looking for a better life.

Along the way she encounters adventure, danger, freedom and something she never expected — love.

But before she can reach her destination she must confront something that’s been following her all along. When she least expects it, her past collides with her future and she must decide whether to keep running or return home to rebuild the life she left.

Amanda Linehan

About Amanda Linehan (Baltimore, Maryland Author)

Amanda Linehan

Amanda Linehan is a fiction writer, blogger and INFP. She has indie published two young adult novels and a couple handfuls of short stories. Her short fiction has been featured on Every Day Fiction.

She lives in Maryland, likes to be outside and writes with her cat sleeping on the floor beside her desk.