Pollinator Friendly Gardening – Gardening for Bees, Butterflies and Other Pollinators

Pollinator Friendly Gardening
176 Pages
ISBN 978-0-7603-4913-7

Join the pollinator movement! You've probably heard by now that pollinators are responsible for every third bite of our food. However, pollinators are in trouble; habitat loss, pesticides, parasites, climate change and more. Without them our plates would be lacking in color, flavor and nutrients. So how can you support and sustain these vital creatures?

Pollinator Friendly Gardening translates the science into easy accessible information so that you can transform your yard into a haven for this helpful wildlife. There's no need to rip out your entire yard, rather my book explains simple changes in plant selection and hardscape choice; meaningful steps towards an abundant, healthier garden where harmful pesticides are no longer necessary.

Full of beautiful photographs, expert interviews, plant lists, design tips and more, this book is the culmination of twenty years of discoveries and observations while creating valuable habitat in my own gardens. It's easy to plan and plant for pollinators. Make and see the change in your own backyard and community.

Rhonda Fleming Hayes

About Rhonda Fleming Hayes (Twin Cities, Minnesota Author)

Rhonda Fleming Hayes

Rhonda is an award-winning writer and photographer applying her passion for all things plant-related with wit and solid research-based advice. She is a columnist for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. She contributes unique feature stories to Northern Gardener magazine as well as her popular “Kitchen Garden” column. She has also been published in Mother Earth Living, The Herbalist, Wichita Eagle, Savannah Magazine and many online sites.

Rhonda is a native Californian with Southern roots now living in Minnesota. Following her husband’s nomadic career she has lived and gardened in Tennessee, Kansas (twice), Illinois (twice), Iowa and even England. Regardless of location she has learned to bloom where she’s planted. In between writing assignments in Minnesota, she shovels compost or snow depending upon the season.

Rhonda gardens in Minneapolis in an urban neighborhood surrounded by woods and water. The abundant quarter-acre is home to many bees, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects. She loves to share the fruits (and veggies too) of her garden with friends, family and wildlife.

Rhonda became certified as an Extension Master Gardener in 2000 but has been gardening in some form or fashion since she was a child at her grandmother’s knee. She is a member of the Garden Writers Association, The Herb Society of America, The Xerces Society and the Minnesota State Horticultural Society. She is a trustee of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.