Potpourri: Wistful Poems of Young Love

Potpourri: Wistful Poems of Young Love
39 Pages
ISBN 979-8559615264

Love with its myriad hues, is perhaps the sweetest when it is young and innocent. Every moment, every facet of it is imbued with deep emotions. This collection brings out the beauty of longing, the tragedy of separation and the entire gamut of emotions in-between poignantly. A book that can fill solitary evenings with the mesmerism of a butterfly fluttering ever so gently around the garden.

Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez

About Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez (Fresno, California Author)

Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez

Anuradha Gajaraj-Lopez is a former journalist who worked for National English newspapers in India. She holds a Masters in Journalism & Mass Communication. A deeply spiritual person, her philosophical thinking is reflected in her writing that brings profound truths in a simple, easy to understand rendering. A poet and author, she already has five books to her credit. Her books are available on amazon, Barnes & Noble, Abe Books, and Walmart websites, to name a few.