324 Pages
ISBN ISBN-13 : 978-1626941878

According to Dr. Darold A. Treffert of the University of Wisconsin, there are fewer than one hundred reported cases of prodigious savants in the world. Those few who possess the savant syndrome all have an island of brilliance that allows them to excel in some remarkable talent. Unfortunately, they all share various developmental disabilities. In Burlington, Vermont, 1962, seventeen-year-old Gavin Weaver survives a dreadful explosion, six hours of brain surgery, and thirty days in a coma, to awake possessing not just one savant talent, but several, including art, music, mathematics, and memory—and all without suffering any of the usual mental disabilities associated with head trauma. The odds are slim that Gavin will survive both the internal and external conflicts, which keep him from the one thing he wants most, the girl he’s loved since childhood.

J.J. White

About J.J. White (Orlando, Florida Author)

J.J. White

J. J. WHITE has had articles and stories published in several anthologies and magazines including, Pithead Chapel, Wordsmith, The Homestead Review, The Seven Hills Review, Bacopa Review, The Grey Sparrow Journal, The Saturday Evening Post, Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine and Mystery Weekly Magazine. His novels, Prodigious Savant, Deviant Acts, and Nisei were published by Black Opal Books. He was nominated for the Pushcart Prize for his short piece, “Tour Bus.” He recently placed second in the Larry Brown Short Story competition with his piece, “Invisible.”

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