Rooted in Danger – A Blackthorne, Inc. Novel

Rooted in Danger
388 Pages
ISBN 978143282585

Behind the public façade of Blackthorne, Inc., a high-end private investigation company, lies a band of elite covert operatives, and they’re back doing what they do best.

Fos­ter (Fozzie) May­hew, Blackthorne’s Intel Spe­cial­ist, is cocky and arro­gant, befit­ting his Aussie her­itage. Put him in a heli­copter with his sur­veil­lance instru­ments and he can spot the fleas on a squirrel’s balls from five hun­dred feet. He’s hap­pi­est when he’s res­cu­ing hostages, get­ting them to safety while Uncle Sam is still nego­ti­at­ing. But Fozzie’s boss pulls him from the work he loves and sends him to locate Vic­to­ria Hamil­ton, estranged daugh­ter of a rich client.

Torie Stoker, born Vic­to­ria Hamil­ton, is hid­ing from her father who needs her at home and mar­ried. There’s no love lost between Torie and her fam­ily. They shipped her off to a Swiss board­ing school when she was thir­teen, and at twenty-nine, she’s never looked back. When her best friend, Kathy, dies, Torie set­tles in Ore­gon, deter­mined to give mean­ing to Kathy’s death by con­tin­u­ing the botanist’s quest for rare plants with poten­tial med­ical appli­ca­tions. When a man shows up with a gun, Torie real­izes how badly her father must want her back.

Fozzie wants noth­ing more than to locate his tar­get, report to his boss, and get back to his real job. When he finds Torie being dragged away at gun­point, his pro­tec­tive instincts kick in. Soon, they’re rac­ing to dis­cover why her father sent armed men after her. Or could it have some­thing to do with Kathy’s phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal research to cure orphan dis­eases? The answers threaten to change Torie’s life forever.

Rooted in Dan­ger, the third in the Black­thorne, Inc. series, starts on a trop­i­cal island, and things heat up from there. Rooted in Dan­ger will keep read­ers turn­ing pages as the stakes—and romance–escalate.

Terry Odell

About Terry Odell (Colorado Springs, Colorado Author)

Terry Odell

From childhood, Terry Odell wanted to "fix" stories so the characters would behave properly. Once she began writing, she found this wasn't always possible, as evidenced when the mystery she intended to write turned into a romance, despite the fact that she'd never read one. Odell prefers to think of her books as "Mysteries With Relationships." She writes the Blackthorne, Inc. series, the Pine Hills Police series, The Triple-D Ranch series, and the Mapleton Mystery series, as well as a scattering of short stories.

Her short story collection, “Seeing Red” won the Silver Falchion award. You can find her high (that's altitude, of course—she lives at 9100 feet!) in the Colorado Rockies—or at her website.

You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and BookBub, and she’d love to see you at her blog, Terry’s Place. For sneak peeks and exclusive content, sign up for her more-or-less quarterly newsletter. You can also be notified of new releases via her Amazon page.