Serpent World

Serpent World
269 Pages
ISBN 9780359212347

“Serpent World” is the story of Doyce Whisanant's childhood, told through twelve summer vacations into vintage Florida and Smoky Mountain mid-century roadside tourism. Join the entire Whisanant clan as they hit the road to fun, misadventure and adolescence, and maybe learn a thing or two about real life along the way. Volume Thirteen of The Whisanant Mythos.

Tony W. Arnold

About Tony W. Arnold (Jacksonville, Florida Author)

Tony W. Arnold

Over a varied career ranging from law enforcement to antiquarian bookseller, Arnold has pursued his eclectic, picaresque fictional style through the underground 'zine scene of the 1990s, which has now crystallized into The Whisanant Mythos: a series of works revolving around protagonist mainstay Doyce Whisanant and crew.

With occasional forays into art books, this output has now surpassed thirty installments, incorporating a widely-divergent palette combining the most interesting aspects of noir and sweat pulp fiction, black humor, and spirituality. Billed as Southern Gonzo, these works take their place alongside Arnold's other creative endeavors on his central website, "the abattoir of the sacred cow." Arnold long ago adopted Florida as his literary center, and has now made it his actual home base.