Solomon Foxly – A Story Of Family

Solomon Foxly
164 Pages
ISBN 9780692793268

Solomon Foxly is a feral fox who hunts and kills to provide for himself and his family - his mate, The Missus, and their two pups, Noah and Eli. They live in a cave on the side of a creek bank in fictitious Johnston County.
There are other animals and humans who share Solomon's domain. Their paths crisscross each other throughout the story, culminating in a county wide disaster that endangers all of them. It is a story of loyalty, of redemption, of forgiveness and growth, and above all, a story of love.

Billy Haake

About Billy Haake (Charlotte, North Carolina Author)

Billy Haake

Billy Haake was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has been writing for most of his life and has published essays, short stories and articles in various publications and online.

He is also a screenwriter and director. He wrote, produced and directed the short video "Sugar Creek Prelude" which won the "Inspire Chartlotte" film contest held by The Charlotte Film Community in 2012. It can be seen on Billy's vimeo webpage at as well as other videos he has written and produced.

Solomon Foxly is his first novel.