Stress Less Achieve More – Simple Ways to Turn Pressure into a Positive Force in Your Life

Stress Less Achieve More
256 Pages
ISBN 978-0-8144-3383-6

For some, it’s feeling buried in work. For others, it’s having a micromanager for a boss or a team with daunting expectations. For still others, it’s facing fierce competitors. In today’s workplace, nearly everyone experiences pressure. Experiencing pressure, however, doesn’t have to mean sacrificing focus, productivity, and sleep—or, worse, suffering depression, migraines, and an ulcer.

“Pressure can be a very good thing,” says Aimee Bernstein, psychotherapist and executive coach. In her new book, STRESS LESS, ACHIEVE MORE: Simple Ways to Turn Pressure into a Positive Force in Your Life Bernstein presents a fresh perspective on pressure and teaches frazzled professionals how to use this potent energy source to their advantage. She not only challenges the standard recommended stress-relievers—take a walk, do yoga, meditate—as unrealistic when you are overloaded with work ; she challenges the very notion of attempting to escape the abundant pressure in our demanding jobs and busy lives. Drawing on psychology, organizational development, and the peace-and-harmony focused martial art of aikido, Bernstein shares her realistic approach: accept pressure as unavoidable and then go with its flow. As she tells readers upfront, “I’ll show you how to expand your capacity for handling increased amounts of pressure while rediscovering the wonder of being alive.”

For anyone eager to transform pressure from a dreaded enemy into an ally, STRESS LESS, ACHIEVE MORE offers a step-by-step map. With the help of practical tips, techniques, and exercises, readers learn how to:

• Identify their core personality type (Perfectionist, Giver, Performer, Romantic, Observer, Trooper, Epicure, Boss, or Mediator), understand how their personality informs their worldview, and move beyond its boundaries and biases to make better, more objective and balanced decisions and reduce stress.

• Focus their attention on high priority, high payoff tasks and goals, and tap into and extend their natural reserves of inner energy to rev up their performance.

• Change their routine, harmful responses to stress triggers, stay calm and centered in the midst of chaos and crises, and preserve their integrity under pressure.

• Resolve conflicts harmoniously, and both excel at and encourage collaboration.

• Take their heart to work—that is, handle high-pressure situations by trusting their instincts and sensibilities, not just their mind—and listen to their inner wisdom to spark creative solutions to high-pressure more.

At every step, readers will find wisdom through seeds of truth quotations, insights through reflective questions, and ample opportunities to develop and grow through mind/body/energy practices. With STRESS LESS, ACHIEVE MORE to light and lead the way, even the most overworked, overwhelmed, and stressed-out will come to embrace pressure and seize its power to overcome obstacles, heal and strengthen relationships, and perform at their peak—with incredible ease.

Aimee Bernstein

About Aimee Bernstein (Palm Beach, Florida Author)

Aimee Bernstein

Aimee Bernstein is a liberator of limited mindsets, behaviors and energy patterns. She is a change accelerator, licensed psychotherapist, and president of Open Mind Adventures, which specializes in breakthrough coaching, collaborative teams and cultures and, mindfulness-in-action training. For over thirty-five years, she has coached and consulted Fortune 500 executives, entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, and professionals in high pressured environments helping them refine their leadership vision, skills and presence, and manage organizational change. Her work, which draws from psychology, organizational development, aikido and meditation, teaches how to use pressure - the energy of change- to develop mastery over oneself. Aimee's clients have included The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, MasterCard , Intel, Chanel, The Port of Singapore Authority and Microsoft Latin America.

Aimee received her graduate degree from Boston University in counseling psychology and interned at Massachusetts General Hospital under the auspices of Harvard Medical School. She is a skilled facilitator and an internationally acclaimed speaker. She is listed in Who's Who in American Women and is the author of numerous articles and stories.

Aimee is a former rock and roll and semi-jazz singer who now performs in the shower. She is a devotee of salsa dancing and laughter.