The Candles of My Life

The Candles of My Life
179 Pages
ISBN 9781500150129

“The Candles of My Life” is the story of Helen Corrigan Iekel, an everyday twentieth century wife and mother who was also a poet. For Helen, writing poetry was life-giving. With a tenacity largely unrewarded, she wrote of the ones she loved and of the world that surrounded her. In those lines, she expressed the beauty of her life experience and often found comfort when her world seemed to collapse. The courage and heart of this wife and mother combine with the soul of a poet in an offering of simplicity that conceals the depth of her emotion and shines with brilliance.

Rick Iekel

About Rick Iekel (Rochester, New York Author)

Rick Iekel

Rick Iekel is a husband, father of four, grandfather of ten, retired and writing. During a 35-year career in aviation, writing was a pastime for quiet Sunday afternoons and peaceful summer vacations in the Adirondack Mountains. As a storyteller, he maintains a lifelong fascination for real stories about real people in real places. “With real-life stories so entertaining,” he muses, “why would I try to create believable fiction?”

Raised on a farm in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains, he now resides with his wife in Rochester, New York. House with a Heart, the story of the first family that built and lived in his childhood home, is Rick’s third book. Previously published are:

LIFE LINES, A Selection of Poetry Written by Helen Corrigan Iekel
The Candles of My Life, a biographical sketch of Helen Corrigan Iekel

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