This Teacher Talks – What really goes on in America's schools.

This Teacher Talks
278 Pages
ISBN 978-1530735129

This memoir gives an account of the culture and events among teachers and administrators in a suburban elementary school. It is organized in three parts. The first is anecdotal background about educational experiences that influenced the author’s later philosophy as an educator and details the journey that led her to Freedomville Intermediate School.

The second part began as an academic research exercise for the author’s doctoral dissertation. Actual journal entries for a complete school year describe tumultuous events, relating the day to day experiences among the adults in the school and how those experiences affect them as well as their ability to effectively teach the students with whom they are entrusted. This is where you learn the raw truth about what really goes on in some of America’s schools, for the culture at Freedomville Intermediate School is surely not unique.

The third and final part looks at how and why such school cultures could be transformed, and why that would be a tremendous improvement in an era where so many teachers leave the profession within their first five years of employment. It proposes a model for overcoming hostile climates among adults in schools. In doing so, it offers hope for the floundering and frustrated souls in America’s public schools.

Janet Hogan Chapman

About Janet Hogan Chapman (Atlanta, Georgia Author)

Janet Hogan Chapman

Janet Hogan Chapman aka GeorgiaJanet, The Bohemian Southern Belle

I was born, raised, and lived all my life in Georgia. Growing up in Atlanta in the 1960s could be wonderful, traumatic, exhilarating, and frightening. It was all of those things for me at some point or another. Those rich experiences provide stories just waiting to flow from the heart to my computer! I bill myself The Bohemian Southern Belle and my mission is to empower strong women through prose and poetry. Just what is a Bohemian Southern Belle? Check out the blog post at to find out!

A life-long writer, I have published professionally on historical topics, infant education, preschool ministry, elementary education, and teacher education. You can read my essays, poetry, blog posts, and other information on my website, I have published three novels. Madam May, a Tale of Madams, Morphine, Moonshine, and Murder, is based on true events in the life of my paternal grandmother. After Madam May (novella) tells what became of Madam May after being on trial for murder and how she ended up becoming my grandmother. Dorothy May, also based on true events, tells the tragic but enduring story of Madam May’s informally adopted daughter, Dorothy. I have also published one focused memoir. This Teacher Talks, What Really Goes on in America’s Schools. It describes the events that take place over a school year among the faculty and staff of an elementary school.

I have had several careers. The list ranges from children’s party costume character, to caterer, to pediatric Physician’s Assistant, to Preschool Minister, to Elementary Teacher, to University Professor. I was a perpetual student and earned five college degrees. Now semi-retired, I am officially an author. I have a husband, two grown sons, two daughter-in-loves, and six amazing grandchildren. I also have a forever twenty-eight year old son and two stillborn grandbabies in heaven. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, travel, reading, and genealogy research. I am blessed beyond measure!