Through Frankie's Eyes – One woman's journey to her authentic self, and the dog on wheels who led the way

Through Frankie's Eyes
176 Pages
ISBN 9780980005295

If your authentic self has disappeared beneath a burden of should haves or could haves—pleasing everyone but yourself, worrying about everything that's out of your control while ignoring what only you can change, settling for less than you know you can be—this is such a book. Author Barbara Techel has certainly gone farther down the path toward self-discovery than most of us have dared, and here she shares that journey with readers ready for its influence on their own choices.

It's your time: to grow; to learn from a woman who's overcome her deepest fears to live joyfully, with integrity and intent; and to marvel at the magic of it happening under the guidance and knowing eyes of a small, red dog on wheels. Let this story seep into your consciousness and inspire you—indeed, allow you—to start or continue your own fulfilling journey to who you really are.

Barbara Techel

About Barbara Techel (Sheboygan, Wisconsin Author)

Barbara Techel

I’m passionate about gently guiding women to their own inner awareness to help shift their perspective when they feel stuck so they can move forward in a more authentic way and live a life with more meaning and joy. I find joy in encouraging women to pause often, listen deeply, and capture what matters most.

Since 2004 I’ve been walking my own transformational and spiritual path doing the deep personal work of living a conscious and self-examined life. So many teachings and wisdom I've been blessed to receive from the dogs I've shared my life with.

My books include: "Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift" and "Through Frankie’s Eyes – One woman’s journey to her authentic self, and the dog on wheels who led the way," and children's book series, "Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog."