To Water Her Garden – A journey of self-discovery

To Water Her Garden
225 Pages
ISBN 978-1798826164

This is a story about healing. From recognizing pain, to unveiling its origins, only to discover the power behind your failures. This is a journey towards self-love and recognizing that everything you are searching for starts with you. All it takes is the courage to do the work.

Samira Mahmoodi

About Samira Mahmoodi (St. Louis, Missouri Author)

Samira Mahmoodi

Samira Mahmoodi began writing shortly after graduating from college. In 2016, she received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Unable to suppress her despair at that time, journaling her feelings led her to re-discover her love for art and literature. She buried this integral part of herself after convincing her 14-year-old self she would be unsuccessful doing what she loved. In April 2019, she released her first book, To Water Her Garden. It was in this space that she unveiled the reasons behind her sadness, and where she also discovered her greatest power: herself. Follow her on Instagram @themira and Goodreads for the latest updates. Learn more at: