Walking in Two Worlds – Mixed-Blood Indian Women Seeking Their Path

Walking in Two Worlds
240 Pages
ISBN 978-0-87004-450-8

Most of the 11 women profiled in Walking in Two Worlds were the first-generation daughters of a trapper and an Indian mother. Because of their mixed race, they were considered the dregs of society, accepted by neither white nor Indian. Steeped in the tradition of their mothers, but forced into the world of their white fathers, they fought to find their identities in a rapidly changing world.

In an era when most white women had limited opportunities outside the home, many of these women became nationally recognized leaders in the fight for Native American rights. They took the tools and training whites provided and used them to help their people. They found differing paths, from medicine to the stage, the classroom to the Senate chamber, all of them walked strong and tall.

They did far more than survive; they extended a hand to help their people find a place in a hard, new future.

Nancy Mayborn Peterson

About Nancy Mayborn Peterson (Denver, Colorado Author)

Nancy Mayborn Peterson

Nancy M. Peterson has been an award-winning author for over 40 years. She has authored four books of Western history set during the frontier era, which author/reviewer Sandra Dallas has labeled "classics." People of the Moonshell illustrates Platte River history. It was followed by a two-volume history of the Missouri River. Her historical focus is always on the individual's experience.

Her fourth book, Walking in Two Worlds; Mixed-Blood Indian Women Seeking Their Path, is a collection of biographies celebrating the accomplishments of these women, whose fathers were trappers and mothers Native Americans.

Nancy grew up in Scottsbluff in the North Platte Valley and now lives in Centennial. She is active in national and local writers' organizations and her church. Hobbies include reading, gardening, dancing, and enjoying nature.