Weird & Wacky Creatures, Endangered Animals – Strange, Weird Animals that Really Exist!

Weird & Wacky Creatures, Endangered Animals
48 Pages
DSG Kids! DSG Publishing
ISBN 9780996837521

A Dragon covered with fingernails, a Mermaid who vacuums the ocean floor every day, and a pocket Dracula no bigger than your thumb.

Am I making them up? No! And you know I have the pictures to prove it. Add in fun activities and huge, scientific words you can roll out to impress your Teacher, and you’ve got Weird & Wacky Creatures-Endangered Animals. Is truth stranger than fiction?

Take a look for yourself...

This book has been written with the reluctant reader in mind. It will hopefully spark a child’s natural curiosity, improve reading comprehension, as well as spelling skills. Another worthy goal is to foster an interest in science and wildlife biology, especially for girls. Part of the proceeds for this book go to support the World Wildlife Foundation. Kids can learn early on that they have a stake in how our planet operates, and wildlife conservation can be an excellent place to start. Get a copy for the child in your life today!

K.B. Carr

About K.B. Carr (Grand Rapids, Michigan Author)

K.B. Carr

K.B. Carr is someone who is lucky enough to be able to do what she loves best- learn about weird stuff!

Her mother wanted to know why she asked so many questions all the time. K.B. told her that she asked because she wanted to know things. “Curiosity killed the cat.”, her mother said. “But, satisfaction brought her back!”, K.B. replied.

K.B. is the mother of two children, Ryan and Kelsey, and she tries really hard to answer all their questions if she can.

She lives in West Michigan with her dog, Captain Jack. K.B. says that Ryan, Kelsey and Jack are her favorite Weird & Wacky Creatures.