Where are you, God? – A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job

Planet Earth and its inhabitants are experiencing the throes of a major transition in consciousness. Many are evolving from the 3rd dimensional plane of duality, thru the 4th dimension of enhanced inner vision and hearing, to the 5th dimension of ascension into full consciousness of our true identities within our cosmic family.

Job took this same journey to ascension. We can learn much to assist us during our journey by studying a metaphysical interpretation of Job. At the end of Job's journey, he declares: "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees thee." The Apostle Paul describes ascension in I Corinthians 13:11-12 - ""When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known."

I have included an Appendix in which you may find a portion of esoteric astrology that may be applied to you, the individual reader. I do so in an effort to personalize Job's story; for in Truth, Job is Everyone. Both my interpretation and the esoteric astrology reflect reincarnation as the path on which each of our souls awaken to and re-integrate into our daily lives the knowledge of our true identity as a Son or Daughter of God.

Nancy B. Detweiler

About Nancy B. Detweiler (Richmond, Virginia Author)

Nancy B. Detweiler

Nancy graduated from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, with a B.A. degree in Social Studies and a minor in Education; earned a M.Ed. in Counseling Education from the University of NC in Greensboro; attended 2 years at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC; and earned a M.Div. in a 4 year program at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, VA, with a focus on Biblical Studies. She did a semester's pastoral care internship at Dix Mental Hospital and a year's internship as a solo minister of a Disciples of Christ Church as a part of the her seminary requirements. She later served as co-supply minister at a Unity Church until a permanent minister could be found. She is listed in The Who's Who In the South & Southwest.

Her professional experience includes a Social Worker with Mothers & Children and later, with Foster Children; Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with a caseload of physically handicapped individuals; a caseload of mentally challenged/psychiatric patients in a Halfway House; and a caseload of severely physically handicapped individuals. She then entered private practice as a counselor/astrologer, workshop leader, and metaphysical teacher. During retirement, she maintains her interest in research and publishes her findings on her website and blog as a part of her Bridging the Gap Ministries.

Nancy's main focus in writing is to bridge the gap between traditional Christianity and the emerging desire for a deeper spirituality and an understanding of the Hidden Wisdom within the Bible. She is the author of two metaphysically oriented books: A NEW AGE CHRISTIAN: My Spiritual Journey; and WHERE ARE YOU, GOD: A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Biblical Book of Job. In addition she wrote a genealogy of THE CAUDLES of ANSON COUNTY, NC. This book is posted for free at: http://pathwaytoascension.com/caudles/index.htm and in the State Libraries of NC & VA.

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