Who Would I Be Without – Based on A True Story of A Little Willingness

Who Would I Be Without
384 Pages
Telemachus Press, LLC
ISBN 1-4392-4304-2

“What’s the negative message you tell yourself every day?” “That’s easy,” Nathan replied. “I’m not good enough.” Nathan Vrite’s life takes a drastic turn when he finally realizes that these four little words have unconsciously influenced his every action in a life-long quest for approval. Despite eleven years of sobriety and a newfound willingness to look at himself with often gut-wrenching honesty, Nathan remains mired in a disingenuous life, stifling his true self. This careful existence collapses in a spontaneous outpouring of a lifetime of repressed emotions when Nathan suddenly realizes his lover’s betrayal. One thought holds Nathan’s attention and drives him to embrace his newfound vulnerability. Using it as fuel for his uncertain willingness, Nathan embarks on a journey of self-discovery toward the inner peace that has eluded him for so long. Based on a true story, this powerful novel of an ordinary man’s quest for peace evokes passion and inspires those with even a little willingness to free the joy that lies within.

James Patrick McDonald

About James Patrick McDonald (Cleveland, Ohio Author)

James Patrick McDonald

James is a contemporary author and spiritual guide who does not align himself with religion or specific teachings. He offers a simple and accessible approach to finding harmony and inner peace through willingness, self-exploration, and honesty.

At the age of 30, James experienced a profound transformation of grace that left him in a state of complete and total surrender. That awakening experience propelled him on an intense journey of self-discovery allowing him to understand and integrate all aspects of the experience into is his daily life. In the years that followed he experienced a series of inner transformations that shifted the direction and purpose of his life. Each experience brought a deeper sense of peace than the previous and enhanced his devotion and willingness to share what he was experiencing with others.

James' awakening has been a real-world process dependent upon the suspension of judgment by looking directly at the suffering our judgments bring us - an experience that emerges from willingness and self-honesty. He uses an enriching blend of teaching styles and traditions and draws on his education, skills as a training and development professional, personal experience and humorous insight as the foundation for his sharing and teaching.

He offers himself as a guide to others ready to rediscover their inner peace through one-on-one mentoring sessions, books and audio, presentations, groups, and workshops.

visit his website at: https//:www.jamespatrickmcdonald.com

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