
229 Pages
Independent Publisher
ISBN 9781523245284

“I woke up with webbed fingers and toes once.” So begins this metafictive romp through a slipstream kind of world.

Open these pages and enter the contemplative and quirky mind of a fluxXer, one of a small percentage of the population who wakes up every morning to some kind of physical change. After fifteen years of being watched and studied, the group is suddenly offered a vaccine which would shift their rate of change from once every 24 hours to once every 90 days, and one young woman finds herself the only one who says no.

FluxX is karen p fuzzy's first novel, begun as a one-page idea and set aside for a decade until the 2014 NaNoWriMo challenge, when 50,000 words came pouring out in the wee hours of November.

Karen P. Fuzzy

About Karen P. Fuzzy (Albuquerque, New Mexico Author)

Karen P. Fuzzy

Karen P. Fuzzy is a rat-race escapee, finally attaining a life-long dream to live simply and freely as a writer and artist-in-the-making. Multifarious (and multisyllabic!) artistic pursuits keep her busy and constantly learning, exploring and playing.

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