The Art of Private Patrol – What You Really Need to Know

The Art of Private Patrol
84 Pages
ISBN 9781519207463

The intent of this book is to give you, the Public Safety, Private Security Officer or any person who oversees the security function, a working knowledge of why patrol is necessary, patrol techniques, methods of patrol and beyond.

We will explore different areas and what it means to you and the property and persons you are protecting. There are many variables and scenarios in any patrol program and to cover every single one in this book would be nearly impossible. However, a framework is constructed and the reader will understand the core points conveyed.

Understanding that many Private Security and Public Safety Officers simply can not afford or take time off for a traditional training session, this is certainly a great alternative. You will find the same great and important information that make a difference in how you approach the patrol function.

This book is an invaluable source and is based on one of our most sought after training course, "The Art of Patrol." It is my hope that at the conclusion of thoroughly examining and reading this information, you will not only have a better understanding but a much broader understanding as well of the various components involved.

Facilities Managers, employers, clients and all those directly and indirectly involved with Public Safety and Security are also strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with a knowledge base of a patrol program.

Donato Sinisi

About Donato Sinisi (Fairfield County, Connecticut Author)

Donato Sinisi

Public Safety professional and entrepreneur with a great interest in writing. Author of three books, "The Art of Private Patrol," "How to Game Change Personal Service Successfully," and "Keep Yourself Safe." I enjoy reading from all genres but I always seem to be drawn to crime fiction. I enjoy writing short stories based on personal and field experiences. Currently collaborating with a Canadian author and a New York author.

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